© 2015 et seq Planet Englewood is a production of A Number of Things, LLC who is solely responsible for its contents.
On Planet Englewood humans do their best to pay homage to the planet they share with each other (and other living things) and to the idea that Mother Earth is worth making an even better place to live. Good people (plus a few animals) of our shared planet do likewise each year by once again presenting to the rest of the world their version of an Earth Day celebration.
Click on the (not yet mutant) Space Age Turtle to the left to learn how to participate in Englewood’s Annual Earth Day Sunday Festival.
Find out more about Earth Day HERE.
See what other folks are doing to celebrate Earth Day, and raising awareness of why and how to love Mother Earth, by clicking some of the images on this page.
Earth Day is an annual event, first celebrated almost 50 years ago, on April 22, 1970, in support of efforts to protect Planet Earth and her environment from the excesses of Humankind.
Earth Day is now coordinated globally each year by the Earth Day Network in more than 192 countries worldwide.
On Middle Earth, in the shire called Englewood, Earth day is celebrated with the rest of the world more or less in the week designated by the powers that be, specifically during the festival on the Sunday after April 22nd (or the 22nd if that is a Sunday) where like-minded folk congregate and compare notes, in a family-friendly environment, the emphasis being on ENVIRONMENT.