© 2015 et seq Planet Englewood is a production of A Number of Things, LLC who is solely responsible for its contents.

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When asked, many astronomers were unsure where the Planet called “Englewood” could be found on celestial charts, until (after doing a Google search) they consulted the website for this very special place and discovered, much to their amazement, a new concept in astral physics (their quantum friends already KNEW this) known as the First Law of Thermal Underwear - made popular by a saying attributed to a PHILOSOPHER (of all things):

“Wherever You Go - There You Are!”

Frustrated Map Quest Junkies can find “Englewood” in California, Colorado, New Jersey, Illinois and, of course our favorite, FLORIDA, but that is entirely beside everything but the compass point.  

We, the earthlings of Englewood (or wherever your feet happen to be at the moment) share a single space.

What one does in that space is fine and dandy - so long as it does not interfere with what the rest of us are doing in OUR space. Oh wait!  We all share the SAME SPACE!  

Until the astronomers find a separate planet for each of us to move to . . .




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